Let us from this day forward be a little better, love one another a little more, treat one another with greater kindness and look to God and live. ~Gordon B. Hinckley~
On Tuesday, December 16, 2008 our beautiful twin boys joined our family! After a long day of waiting, we were scheduled to be delivered at 3:00pm but were bumped by an emergency c-section, Luke McKinstry and Logan James Crippen arrived quickly and safely! Luke arrived first at 5:07pm, weighing in at 6lb 2 oz, 20 inches long and Logan joined the family one short minute later at 5:08pm weighing 6lb 7 oz, and also 20 inches long. We were so grateful to have them arrive without any complications and very healthy. We came home from the hospital on Friday afternoon and we have officially entered the world of sleepless nights and lots of poppy diapers!!
The Saturday before I delivered the twins we attended our ward Christmas party. It was a great dinner and fun activity and the best part at least for the kids was that Santa came for a visit. McCall couldn't get to the line fast enough! She was so excited to sit on his lap and really chat with him about what she wanted for Christmas. For the entire month of December this request had changed from week to week and sometimes daily. (Much to her mother's distress!!) At Thanksgiving she told me that she wanted a "Darth Vader Dress up with a red Light Saber" so she could be evil! My sister Allison's comment was "Well, she doesn't need a costume to be evil!" Then is changed to a Luke Skywalker dress-up with a blue Light Saber, to kill bad guys, followed by a "Pirate costume with a knife to kill bad guys" and finally this past week she settled on a "Knight Costume with a shiny sword to of course kill bad guys!" So basically it came down to that if the dress-up looked tough and came with a weapon then we were set! Bless Broc's heart his request was simple and unchanging, "Something fun!" So stayed tuned to see what dress-up came and with what weapon!
Last night when John and the kids returned home from scouts McCall announced that she had decided that she would like to trade her baby brothers for a puppy. Her proposal, one that was well thought out I might add, was that we could give the babies to Carly's Mom and Dad, the Henries from our ward, and that she could get a puppy in exchange. She was matter of fact and completely serious and had already discussed it with John in the car on the way home. John and I both asked her a few times and then told her a few more that she would be sad if we gave the babies away. Her response: "No, I'll be fine, I WANT a puppy!" So I called my friend Shellie Henrie and informed her that on Tuesday she would be getting two babies and that I would need a puppy in exchange. It seems like a fair trade, doesn't it?
Yesterday morning I went for a follow-up amnio to see if the boys had cooked enough and again no such luck! Their lungs aren't developed enough and they need to wait one more week. So we are on the schedule for a c-section next Tue, Dec 16th. They told me that we don't need to do another repeat amnio and that since I'm going to be almost 38 1/2 wks by then, that we will just do the delivery - Yeah! I think!?! So we have another week to chill, sleep and relax until the crazy hits our house! We'll keep you posted!
On Monday, Dec 1st, I had an amnio to check and see if the babies lungs were developed enough to be delivered on Tues, Dec 2nd. Well no such luck! They found that there was a greater than 75% chance that they weren't ready. Sooooo... they decided to push me back a week and repeat the amnio again on Mon, Dec 8th. If they are ready they will deliver me on the 9th. If not another week! Stay tuned!
On Friday, Nov 14, 2008 my friends Elisha Glover, Lu Demetter and Stephanie Rogers threw me a really fun diaper and wipes shower. What a nice afternoon with good food, friends and fun conversation, and considering that I haven't been here very long, the sisters in my ward were very generous! Thanks Elisha, Lu and Stephanie, you gals are the best! Stephanie made the two adorable diaper cakes, aren't they cute?!!
We live in western Pennsylvania and I am still the "Hero Support" to my husband and kids. John and I have been married for 13 1/2 years, HOLY COW! and we have two amazing, fun and fabulous kids that keep me busy and always laughing! In Dec we are going to double our fun when our twin boys are born! I love being a stay at home mom and wouldn't have it any other way! I'm obsessed with high school and college basketball and March Madness is my favorite time of the year!
10/23/07: McCall came to me in a panic and said "Mom I've got nose on my binki!" She had just sneezed and gotten boogers on her binki.
10/07: We were sitting at the dinner table eating and Broc asked John "Dad do you get to color at your school?" John explained that there just wasn't enough time at his school to color. Then Broc asked "Dad are there girls in you class?" It was funny to see Broc trying to process the difference between his and John's schools.
11/07: McCall is obsessed with Temples. This is a conversation that we frequently have with her. McCall where are you getting married: In the Temple When are you getting married: When I'm 25 Who are you going to marry: A handsome prince, a returned missionary! What are you going to wear: A white princess dress
2/08: John had given McCall a quarter and a nickel to put in her purse. One morning she came to me in a panic and said "I have my quarter, but I can't find my pickel!" I couldn't understand what she meant, a pickel? Then she showed me the quarter and said, "I can't find my pickel!" I said, "your nickel?" and she replied, "Yes, my pickel."
3/10: We were sitting in church during Sacrament Meeting and McCall was sitting with Barb and Shannon Huey(Her best friends at church) Barb pulled out some pictures of Temples and was showing them to her when McCall shouts "It's the Golden Dome" pointing to the dome on the Nauvoo Temple.
3/10/08: Broc had just gotten home from school and was looking for a snack. McCall started to whine that she to needed a snack so I asked John to help her. John asked her what she needed and she looked at him and said: "I want a snack you idiot!" John immediatly sent her to her room and tried not to laugh. We still can't figure out where she got the word idiot.
3/19/08 : We had just gotten to Nauvoo and from the back seat Broc says: "Oh, this is where they filmed Star Wars, you know Nabo" and then he starts humming the Star Wars theme song. We all burst into laughter and explained that this was Nauvoo not Nabo
3/08: A very nice women told McCall that she was a beautiful girl and McCall reponded "Yes I am." No trouble with self esteem there!
3/25/08: McCall and I were shopping and we were at the check out to return some things. I didn't buy anything so as we went to leave McCall said "Mom you need to color your name on this" and she pointed to the credit card machine.
3/27/08: I asked the kids if they wanted Chicken Enchiladas or Chicken Puffs for dinner tonight. McCall said, "I want Chickeladas, meaning Chicken Enchiladas." For the rest of the night she refered to them as "Chickeladas." Pretty clever I thought!
4/9/08: McCall was playing super hero and trying to catch the bad guys. She grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, you are under "durrest." Meaning that I was under arrest.
4/14/08: For much of this past year Broc has referred to our apartment as our "Compartment." We have corrected him on several occasions but to no avail. Again today he used that term and I just had to laugh.
4/14/08: Recently McCall has been infatuated with small fluffys or rather tiny lint balls. Maybe it is because we saw "Dr Seuss's, Horton hears a who" last week. Anyway she collects them and then tells us that they are her "Fluffy Firends." Tonight she crawled up to snuggle with me before she went to bed and she had a teny tiny ball of toilet paper. I asked her what she had and she said "It's my toilet fluffy friend."